London’s not the only marathon

So you didn't get into the 2012 London marathon through the ballot, join me and the thousands of other runners that are feeling a bit miffed at the moment.But it doesn't have to be the end of your marathon dream. Did you know that other marathons in the world actually exist? It's true, I've checked [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0029 September 2011|

How to look awesome

Hair pulled back, no make-up on, sweat dripping off your chin - you might think that you running is you looking your worst, but I disagree. There's a shelf in my mum's house with four pictures on. Three are wedding pictures of my sister and two brothers on their wedding days and they look nice. The [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0027 September 2011|

New world records and PBs

Setting the alarm to go off on a Sunday morning for earlier than it does on a weekday is something I don't do very often. If the little hand is pointing to a number that doesn't have a one in front of it when I open my eyes on a Sunday, there had better be [...]

2011-09-26T11:18:00+01:0026 September 2011|

The new lexicon of running

There's no collective noun for getting three PBs in a six week period. I've checked and it doesn't exist. If I were a footballer I might say things like "I'm going to score a hat trick this weekend" which you'd rightly interpret as meaning "I'm going to score three goals in one match" or the more [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0023 September 2011|

Marathon running: the feminist sport

It's within living memory that women were banned from running marathons. Our bodies were deemed not strong enough and we'd hurt ourselves and, God forbid, maybe even mess up our reproductive system. As women always knew and the world has now acknowledged, this is nonsense that served only to segregate men and women and keep [...]

2011-09-22T09:34:00+01:0022 September 2011|

The Fens vs The Rift Valley

The dominance of Kenyans in long distance running has been the subject of much debate: is it a genetic advantage? Is it a product of their environment? Is there some magical secret to the way they train? If we moved to Kenya and trained with Kenyan runners, could we be as good as them? I [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0021 September 2011|

Running heroes: Caballo Blanco

In Christopher McDougall's best seller 'Born to Run' he travells to the depths of Mexico to find "the phantom known as Caballo Blanco - the White Horse". An American man who had lived with the Tarahumara, a 'tribe' of people who can run 50, 100 miles, even more without seeming to get injured, Caballo Blanco was, [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0020 September 2011|

Best Monday ever

They say your shouldn't meet your heros because they'll only disappoint you. Not true. Tonight I met running legend Caballo Blanco (or Micha True) who features in the Holy Grail of running books 'Born to Run'. It didn't disappoint. Hearing the story of 'Born to Run' told in person from Micha's perspective was inspiring and [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0019 September 2011|

In praise of support crews

I'm getting to that age where it's time to face facts: there's a strong possibility that I may not actually ever become a rock star, accept an Oscar or win an Olympic gold medal. But that's OK because I pretty much know how that would feel. I have heard crowds of people applauding me and shouting my [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:22+01:0015 September 2011|

Operation get legs working again

There's a photo on my phone of my toes. I took it last night with the intention of adding it to this post. But I can't do that to you guys. My toes look horrendous enough from up here where my face is, turns out that the resulting picture taken from just a few inches away [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:23+01:0014 September 2011|
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