They say your shouldn’t meet your heros because they’ll only disappoint you. Not true. Tonight I met running legend Caballo Blanco (or Micha True) who features in the Holy Grail of running books ‘Born to Run’. It didn’t disappoint. Hearing the story of ‘Born to Run’ told in person from Micha’s perspective was inspiring and left me wanting to run the Copper Canyon.

[Full post on the talk to follow.]

After the talk I got home to find I’d been shortlisted for Cosmopolitan magazine’s blog awards. This is a pretty bloody good Monday. Thanks to everyone that nominated me.

And if you come back and leave me a comment to tell me that you threw a vote or two my way, one of you will be chosen at random for a pretty awesome prize that I’ve got. Excited? You should be! In the meantime I’ll be practicing my gracious loser face.