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This month my publishers decided that, because the ebook version of The Lazy Runner had been pretty popular, they’d release a paperback. It was a very exciting day for me to get a delivery of real books made of paper with my name on them.

I’ve posted copies to friends and family, the first in the postbox going to my mum and dad ‘The Mustardpots’ to whom the book is dedicated.

Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my blog over the years. Without you the book wouldn’t have happened – it was the fact that so many people said they’d discovered this blog and gone back to read it from the beginning that prompted me to write it.

Of course you could just start with my very first post and read this blog start to finish to save yourself a few quid. But I made a lot of mistakes when I started running, and I wanted to tell my story with the benefit of hindsight.

You can get a paperback (or ebook copy) from Waterstones, Amazon and probably other places too.