There’ a lot of pressure from society to look good these days and where this pressure is most visible is in the gym. I get quite bored quite fast on the treadmill and find myself looking at the people around me.

The other day I was watching a guy on the (now I’m not down with gym lingo enough to know the exact name of this machine) thing that you sit at and push away to give you bigger pectoral muscles. He was tall and slim and there are a lot of guys that would probably envy his shape, but immediately it was clear that his own issue with his shape was regarding his chest.

Every so often he would stop pushing on the machine for a rest and look down at his chest. This made me think how the pressures to look good are just as real for men as they are for women – the pressures are just different.

It’s a shame that society seems to present itself with one ideal for women (thin, big boobs) and one ideal for men (tall, muscular) when in reality we’re all born with genes that have programmed us to develop into different sized and shaped adults.

I will never be 6 foot and so I don’t try to be. It’s the same with shape – some people are naturally skinny and others aren’t. I think we should all focus on being healthy and happy with ourselves and our differences rather than all trying to look the same.