Lazy girl credentials

A quick google search brings up hundreds of books and blogs written by ‘lazy girls’. Many of these are not what I’d term ‘lazy’.

I’ve never been overweight but I am unfit and incredible lazy. From getting out of bed in the morning to even convincing myself to go to the gym – it’s all a struggle.

Even once I’m in the gym and on the treadmill, the lazy dialogue of my mind doesn’t stop. ‘Your legs are hurting aren’t they? Why don’t you stop.’ ‘You don’t want to do too much at once – you’ll only injure yourself. Go on, have a rest.’

Therefore, I’d like to state that I am a truly lazy girl who has many friends that will gladly testify to confirm this. I’m not proud of my laziness – it’s neither big nor clever to be a couch potato. But at 26 years of age I promise to try to be lazy no more!