I’m going public in the hope that it will spur me on to honour my place and run in the Silverstone half marathon. Training starts this week – all 16 weeks of it. The big day is Sunday 15 March. Do I look excited?

I do have major concerns, not just about my ability to complete the course but also about getting bored. If I were running round London, say, there lot’s of things to keep my eyes and my mind occupied with. Silverstone does have the novelty of being a motor racing circuit  but will this wear off pretty quickly and leave me with nothing but mile after mile of tarmac to stare at?

Who knows. The plus points to this race, and why I chose it, are that it should be pretty flat, it’s close to back home and it’s close enough in time to keep me motivated. Oooh and the goodie bag is supposed to be really good at the finish.

So I’ve downloaded a 16-week training plan. The race is 19 weeks away but I’m on holiday for two weeks and need a week’s grace for slacking. The good thing about the schedule I’m on is that the first week consists of three runs of 2 miles. Hooray! Should be no problem.

I went out for a run yesterday and managed 2.5 miles. I probably could have done more but my legs were complaining. Really don’t think they’ve fully recovered from the 10K – surely I can’t be getting worse at running? Maybe I’ve already passed my peak.