I’ve seen a lot of sights on various London busses over the past few years – and many that aren’t in any guide books. From people cutting their finger nails to flicking the dandruff out of their hair or getting rather too passionate and even producing a gun – all sorts of unplesantness takes place on the top deck.

While this sort of behaviour seems to be tollerated in London, I’m not sure if I am about to cross over onto the side of ‘unplesant passenger’. Bear with me – this is really about running.
I’ve been thinking about running home from work but measuring the route I’d take it is 10 miles. While I hope to be up to this sort of mileage at some point this summer, I’m not quite there yet. The problem with the distance I’ve started to run one evening a week (currently 5 miles, soon to be 6) is that by the time I’ve got home from work and gone for a run then showered it’s nearly 8pm and that’s a bit late for me to be bothered with making food.
So, my plan is that I could start running part way home and then, after 6 miles, jump on a bus for the rest of the journey. But I’ll be sweaty, very sweaty. Is this an acceptable state in which to board a bus? I know I could travel part way home by public transport and then run the remainder – but this poses a seperate issue: I feel a bit of a knob being out in public wearing sports clothing.
It’s ok when I’m actually running because that’s what I’m supposed to be wearing. And when I plan a run to finish at the supermarket so I can pick up some shopping, I don’t feel daft walking round in my shorts and trainers then – possibly because I’m too tired to care, but also because it’s clear that, while I’m not exercising in my workout clothes there and then – I have been recently. Casually walking down the road in my wicking top and running shoes is something that makes me very uncomfortable.
So I’m posed with a question: which is the lesser of two evils – getting on public transport in my sports gear as though that was my usual day atire, or while sweating, panting and aching? And is what’s best for me really the best option for other passengers and society in general?