It was going to happen sooner or later, it was just a question of where they would chart on the Top 10 Running Kit list. The criteria for the list has been a matter of how indispensible to running items are. I thought long and hard about it and there are only two items that I couldn’t run without: shoes are one but they’re not the most indispensible in my book.

Barefoot running enthusiasts would argue that shoes aren’t necessary at all, which would leave me with only one item on my Christmas list. I understand the barefoot argument, I’ve read ‘Born to Run’ and I’ve even bought a pair of Vibrams. But these are still unworn in a drawer waiting for their maiden voyage. For now I’m still unable to trot out for a run without my Brooks so I have to place running shoes at number 2.

On Saturday I went out for a run wearing a hoodie, that’s how cold I was. On Sunday, I put on even more layres and went out on my bike – only to be shamed by a barefoot runner (he was wearing Vibrams) in shorts. Now I like to think that I’m not a wimp but when it comes to my feet I’d rather drink the limescaley contents on my hot water bottle than take one step on a frozen path going barefoot. This runner gave me flashbacks to the New Year’s Eve that I couldn’t get a taxi so walked a mile back to my flat in strappy shoes only to find my feet had turned blue when I got home. Even if I do go barefoot, I think I might be a fair-weather barefooter.

So there’s one spot left in the Top 10. What will it be? The excitement is almost non-existent!