Sometimes you have to be creative with your time in order to fit your run in. And with Janathon calling for me to run every day in January, I’ve started multi-tasking in order to find time to run. I’ve already run part way home from work and run on my lunchbreak – stopping at a cafe to pick up a sandwich en route. Tonight, however, was the most ‘creative’ of runs so far.

I was late from work and realising I had to stop at the supermarket before getting home and doing a pile of work I decided to do what any normal person would do – I ran the mile home from the supermarket, shopping bags in hand still in my work gear. Yes, instead of running shoes, I wore converse, instead of running tights I wore woolly tights, and instead of by high-impact sports bra, I wore a Wonderbra.

Now it wasn’t what my mum would call ‘the big shop’ of the week, but it did involve eggs which I forgot I’d bought until they started rattling half way home. They survived, I’m pleased to say. I wouldn’t recommend this, and I won’t be attempting it again. But it did serve to prove a point. When you think you can’t possibly fit anything else into your schedule and your run is about to bite the dust – think creatively.

Janathon Day 6
1 mile run, carrying shopping.