On day three of my taper I woke up very tired; ducked out of a 3-mile race I’d challenged three much faster, non-tapering colleagues to; and then I did this…

Edinburgh marathon 2012, see you Jimmy! London marathon is clearly going to reject me again in October and after Nottingham I’m not going to fancy entering any races at all. So I’ve got in early and given myself no way out of chalking up marathon number three. There are three reasons why this is an amazing idea:
  1. My marathoning is going international – Scotland totally counts as a different country. Especially if I fly there, which I probably won’t. And I don’t have to bother with a language barrier – well maybe a bit.
  2. Scotland is home of the marathoning food of the gods – porridge.
  3. It’s a net downhill course so I’ll just wear those wheelie shoes and coast to the finish.
Let’s wait and see what delights taper day four bring my way! Maybe I’ll buy a puppy, get a radical haircut or start only referring to myself in the third person. The rules of tapering dictate that any slightly out of character neurotic behaviour is possible. It’s not me, it’s the taper madness.