Race number: check; safety pins: check; trainers: check. It’s pretty obvious the things you need to pack for your marathon. But have you thought about what you’ll need for after you’ve finished? No? luckily for you, I have.

1 Flip flops
I can’t tell you the envious looks I’ve had from other runners at the end of a race as I walk around in my flip flops. You’ll have blisters, swollen feet and black toenails. Take your trainers off and even if you can fit your bloated  feet back in them, it will be the last thing you’ll want to do. So pack some flip flops.

2 Cash
Make sure you have enough money in your kit bag for the essentials – like a post-race beer and some food. Finding your friends after a big rcae can prove tricky, but if you’ve got enough change to buy yourself a pint, haul up in the nearest pub and let them find you.

3 Race t-shirt
If you’re race is one of those that hands out the race t-shirt the day before (Nottingham marathon and Thailand Half Marathon both did this) you’ll want to have it handy to put on after you finish. There’s a very small window for wearing race t-shirts when you’re not running: it starts the moment you cross the line and closes after about two hours.

Any other suggestions? I’d love to hear what you pack for after the finish line.