You’re probably familiar with this picture, you’re running along trying to keep at a certain pace when three people are headed towards you walking side my side and blocking your path. You get closer thinking one of them will notice you and drop back allowing you to pass, but the closer you get the more evident it is that they have no intention of doing this. So you have to stop running, shout excuse me or run into the gutter.

It’s maddening. But it’s not just other pedestrians that seem to lack good manners. Runners too lack basic running etiquette. So if you’ve ever done any of the following, (and I’m guilty of these crimes too) stop it now.

1 You’re running side by side with your running buddies (as described above) but don’t drop behind when you see another runner coming the other way. Maybe you don’t want your training partners to think you can’t take the pace, or maybe you think you own the pavement.

2 In a race you stop dead to walk without thinking that there may be someone running close behind you. Sometimes we all need to walk or stop to tie a shoelace, but move to the side and check if there’s anyone behind you. You’ll probably hear them unless you’re wearing earphones.

3 The same as above but down at the running track – you start your recovery jogs without moving out from the centre of the track thus causing those still running hard behind you to run into the back of you.

4 You’ve picked up some water from a fuel station and discard your bottle on the course without thinking about the hundreds of runners behind you that might just trip over it.

5 You want to run a race with your friend, but you’ve been placed in different timing pens. So you sneak ahead to their pen, which is too fast for you, leaving faster runners to swerve round you in the first few miles. Ditto you put a faster time than you’re capable of on your entry form so you don’t have to wait too long to cross the line.

Next time you’re out running or taking part in a race, think about other runners around you and be kind.

Is there bad running etiquette that really bugs you? Let me know in the comments.