A man once ran up to me in a race to ask me how long I’d been running. I answered: “Oh only about 18 months.” Thinking he must have liked my stride and thought I’d been running for as long as I could walk.

“No,” he said, “I mean today. How long have you been running for? My watch has packed up.”

And so that might be a precursor to what’s about to happen here, I’m about to vastly overestimate other people’s desire to find out what I think or misinterpret a question. But as I get a steady trickle of questions on email and via twitter, and because I’m wiser and funnier in longer than 140 characters, I’m inviting you to ask me anything.

Do you really like running? (yes!) Where do you get your amazing compression socks? When will you stop posting sweaty pictured of your face in my timeline? Where’s the best place to get a pint in London town? Don’t you think those shorts are a bit TOO short? And will you ever get round to fixing this blog? All valid question.

Right now I’m somewhere in Croatia. But if you leave a question in the comment box or (because that’s often broken) email it or tweet it or leave it on my Facebook page, I’ll answer them all when I get back.