One question that I get asked (though it didn’t feature in ‘Ask me anything’) is whether I still get nervous about races. The answer is: I do and I don’t.

For me, that anxious tightening in my stomach comes from a lot of things: stress about getting to the start on time, remembering everything I need, what the weather will be doing, whether I can ‘do it’.

copenhagen finish

Over the years, going through the pre-race faff a few times, these nerves have lessened. A lot of nerves come from unfamiliarity, so the more you do something the easier it gets to relax into it.

I remember sitting in the hotel the day before I ran Manchester for the first time and shivering. I wasn’t cold, I’d just wound myself up with worry about stupid things. A little bit of nervousness is good – it shows you care and gives you a burst of adrenaline – but thankfully I haven’t been in that sort of state again. That was too much nervousness.

This Sunday I’ll run my 16th marathon. I’m not blasé about that enough to not get nervous. I’ve put an ambitious goal out there and for the past two weeks I’ve struggled with a dodgy right shin. But I know that when I line up at the start, those nerves will disappear and all that will be left to do is run.

And whatever happen out on the course, I’ll remind myself that any day you’re fit and well enough to run a marathon is a good day.