Looking out the window today it seems odd to be raving about how important to my running a bottle of sunscreen is. But there’s not manu items that feature in my Top 10 that can protect your health quite like this one. So while I may only use it for a few months every year, for those few months it’s vital.

As a very fair-skinned (OK pale) person who burns to a crisp under andthing stronger than a 60watt bulb, I take my sunscreen seriously. And P20 is a serious sunscreen that I can’t praise enough. It’s a liquid that you put on in the morning and lasts all day. It doesn’t sweat out like sun creams can – it just stays put.

Back in April when I ran the Brighton marathon the sun was out and I was exposed for 4 hours 31 minutes. but I had my P20 on so, unlike many of the runners I saw, there wasn’t an inch of lobster pink skin on me. I knew I could trust it and it didn’t let me down.

So for keeping me safe from sunburn of summer long runs, P20 makes it to number 6. I’d put this much higher if I lived in a country that had slightly more sun, but for now I’m still living in a slightly overcast London.

See what else made the Top Ten.