Trying to plan a meeting yesterday made me realise that on Sunday, there will only be nine weeks left of 2010. That’s not long, but it is just enough time to tick off those goals you might have set yourself for the year. This year my goals were:

Run a marathon
10K PB
Half-marathon PB
Run 800 miles in 2010
Set a decent 5k time

I ticked off the marathon back in April and the 10K and half-marathon PBs came in May and October. That just leaves 103 miles plus a 5K to run before the clock strikes midnight on 31 December. Barring any serious injuries (caused either by running or Christmas shopping) I should be able to run the 12-15 miles per week that I need to do to make it to 800 miles. Dragging my lazy self out of bed for the 9am start of the local Park Run might be a bit trickier. If you’ve not heard of Park Run, you should look them up: free 10K races organised by volunteers with a real community spirit.

Good luck to anyone doing the New York marathon on Sunday. I’ll be watching from the comfort of my sofa but probably feeling a little jealous.