DOMS noun abrivition of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, the phenomena where your muscles ache more the second day after exercise than they did the morning after. Can sometimes be used to refer to Delayed Onset Munchies Syndrome, but I think that’s just me.

Chicked verb for a man to be defeated or overtaken in a foot race by a woman.
Quite a few men have a problem with getting ‘chicked’. There might even be a support group out there where they get together and share their experiences. “So I was feeling really strong and coming into the home straight on for a PB when it happened. I feel so ashamed.” Guys get over it. In the interest of equality though I’ve now invented the next term.

Duded verb for a woman to be defeated or overtaken in a foot race by a man.
This word shouldn’t be confused with the meaning of the next term…

Gingerbread man verb to be caught short while out on a run leading one to have to make like a bear and shit in the woods. This term was brought into common usage by Tony Audenshaw in his Tony’s Trials monologues on the Marathon Talk podcast.

Awesome noun the collective term for three PBs over three seperate distances within a six-week period. I invented this term. It’s yet to catch on. I’ll keep trying.