Along with 100,000 or more people across the country, I had a visit from Elvis last week. He came to me on the cover of the London Marathon rejection magazine to tell me it was bad news: yet again I’d failed to get a place in a marathon that pretty much passes my front door.

Of course there are plenty of other marathons across the country – I’ve done two very good ones in Edinburgh and Brighton. Should I do one of them next spring or look for something new? Paris might be nice, or maybe Manchester.

Soon though, as I browsed race listings and reviews, my head was being turned away from by first love of marathon running and in the direction of a new temptress. With a sore leg leaving Venice Marathon still up in the air, and a new, faster bike on order there was only one thing for it: it was time to get my triathlon on.

It may be pretty far off yet (it’s in May next year) but I’ve entered my first open water triathlon. Call me Captain keen but I’ve had quite enough rejection this week, so when I found a race that fits the bill perfectly in terms of date and location (not in terms of all the swimming, cycling and running), I handed over my credit card faster than I would in a mugging.

Elvis has left the building and it’s time for Lazy Girl to enter the open water. Look out St Neots. I’m coming for you!