I hate burpees. The exercise where you move from a standing position to squatting and then jump your legs out behind you to a press-up position before immediately bringing your feet back up to your hands and then jumping up – repeated many times. I hate burpees, so I don’t do them.

Last night I was running on Hampstead Heath. As I ran I was plotting and measuring routes for my running group, trying to find gradients that weren’t too steep and circuits that were just the right length. My running group is made up of 16 women. Many of them haven’t run in years but they’ve joined because they want to start, and they want to run 5k. Some are motivated by weight loss, others by wanting to be a bit fitter and some just because they think it sounds fun.

As I ran around, planning routes for them for the next few weeks, I ran past a personal trainer putting two clients through their paces. They looked very similar to some of the women in my group. They seemed like they’d recently decided to start exercising. They seemed like they were struggling and they seemed like they weren’t having much fun. They were doing burpees.

I wanted to go over to them and tell them that this wasn’t the only way. That exercise doesn’t have to be painful and something to be endured, that it can be fun and rewarding. I wanted to tell them to come and run with me. That not everyone shouts at their clients and tells them to suck it up.

I wanted to tell them that if you want to keep exercising, you need to find an activity that you enjoy, a class that you look forward to going to and people that like doing what you do. I wanted to tell them that, it’s not just them, nobody enjoys burpees. And I wanted to tell them that they have the right to say NO to burpees and being shouted at.

I know that burpees can make your bum and legs stronger and help your fitness. That they can get results if you’re looking to change your bodyshape through exercise. I know this and I know this is why they’re often prescribed by PTs. But a few seconds faster in my next race just isn’t worth doing something that I hate. And for someone new to exercise to be presented with something that makes elite athletes dread a training session isn’t the right way to encourage them to keep exercising.

Down with burpees.