Four years ago I was beginning to train for my first marathon. I’d printed off my schedule and, largely, stuck to it for the next 16 weeks. One of the runs I was supposed to do fell on Christmas Day. So I diligently laced up my trainers and headed out the door to run the three or four miles as dictated.

It had been snowing and Peterborough, where I was spending Christmas, was under a good few inches of snow. I ran along the road because the paths hadn’t been cleared and were slippery. Then after a mile I came to a golf course. There were no golfers out because it was Christmas day, so I hopped over the fence and did a few miles on the course. the snow was deep and crunched under my feet as I ran. the only marks in the snow were mine and those made by the rabbits that lived off the fairway.

My Christmas Day run has become a tradition. Every year, after we’ve opened our presents and before a visit to the pub or Christmas dinner is served, I head out to run a few miles. It’s one of my favourite runs of the year. This year Parkrun are putting on Christmas day events across the country, so check out if your local race is holding one.

This Christmas Eve marks the start of my training for Ironman UK. It’s quite frankly terrifying me. Looking at the video I made above while training for my first marathon feels like watching a different person. But it also reminds me how far I’ve come and makes me excited to take on this new challenge.

Good luck to anyone who is training for their first marathon this winter. This one’s for you!
(Oh yeah, and buy my book it’s really helpful!)