Home run

This weekend I was at a friend's wedding and didn't take my running shoes with me. Instead I packed my dancing shoes and, while I probably clocked up a fair few miles on the dancefloor, running wasn't on the agenda. So last night, feeling pretty bad that I'd only managed 4 miles on Sunday evening, [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:45+01:0013 July 2010|

Half marathon training: Here we go again

It's 15 weeks until my half marathon and in the past two weeks I've run less than 15 miles per week - not much to blog home about, I think you'll agree. I've learnt a fair few things about running in the past two years (and a lot since my first half) and I know [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:45+01:0028 June 2010|

Phew, what a scorcher

The sun certainly had his hat on yesterday - unfortunately I didn't, as you may remember I threw my cap into the crowd on the home straight of the Brighton Marathon and haven't got round to buying a replacement. This I came to regret yesterday when I lined up for the start of the South London 10k [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:45+01:0024 May 2010|

Falling in and out of love

It's been a few weeks since my last jubilant post-half-marathon posting. After the customery resting period I went out for a couple of tentative jogs to get my legs working again after a good few days of walking like John Wayne. But something was missing, running didn't feel right.I ran at the weekend round my usual [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:50+01:003 November 2009|

Half-marathon: tick!

2 hours and 4 minutes. There's quite a few things that you could in that time. Watch a film, clean the bathroom, eat a nice meal. But are any of them as rewarding as running 13.1 miles cheered on as though you're a celebrity... if there is I'm yet to discover it.On Sunday I completed [...]

2009-10-13T11:39:00+01:0013 October 2009|

Day one

Last night saw the start of my 16-week training plan for the half-marathon. It felt good to finally be on the structured plan that will hopefully take me to the finish line in 277 miles time. That's right... 277.1 miles from the start at my front door yesterday until the finish line in Peterborough in [...]

2009-06-23T08:20:00+01:0023 June 2009|

Woman with a plan

I'm a planner - I always have been. I actually enjoy planning - especially planning holidays. For me a holiday starts the day that I pick up a new notebook and start looking up flights on the internet. So it's no surprise that having a training plan for my half marathon is going to be [...]

2009-06-03T11:20:00+01:003 June 2009|

Going public

I've just realised that with all the excitement of entering my half marathon and telling all my friends and family, I hadn't thought to make my chosen event known to the blogging world. Ta-da, here it is the Great Eastern Run 2009 which will be held in Peterborough on Sunday 11 October. (www.greateasternrun.co.uk).There are a [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:51+01:0016 April 2009|

"I am a half-marathon runner"

Don't be confused, I haven't magically run a half-marathon since yesterday. What I've been busy doing is getting myself into the mindset of being a half-marathon runner. I'll explain.In the book 'The non-runner's marathon trainer' it suggests you tell everyone you know that you are going to run a marathon. You should also tell yourself [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:51+01:0031 March 2009|

Half-Marathon take two

I've entered a half marathon and this time I WILL complete it. There's just the small matter of training getting in the way. One of the biggest difficulties when it comes to putting in the training (well, after my own procrastination) is the weather. As well as a three-week holiday and a cold that wouldn't [...]

2017-06-23T07:40:51+01:0030 March 2009|
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