I have a confession to make. In preparation for last night’s Biggest Loser I ate only apples and nuts. They were, however, both covered in chocolate, as it was Valentine’s Day so Richard has said I can continue in my role of blogger for the Black and Blue teams.

Let’s get to it then. So, Richard walked into kitchen by himself. Immediately everyone was asking “what’s happened to Angie?” It’s what we’ve been asking all week. As we know, Angie had asked the Black team to eat only nuts and apples before the weigh-in. “We’ll do it if Angie tells us to,” said Paddy. Obviously Paddy has never met my mum and isn’t familiar with her saying “would you put your head in the gas oven if Angie told you to?” It never made sense who she was talking about until now.

So “Angie will be taking a step back” from the show. Who thought that Zandella would last out Angie? Certainly not Angie. Rob wasn’t happy. He said “Someone who’s had such a big impact on my life has gone in the blink of an eye. There‘s no closure”. Clearly someone told Rob that Angie has died – it’s OK she hasn’t, she’s just gone back to working in Fitness First.

Angie was gone and it took four shouty-RAF men to fill the void that she’d left. For this week’s task we saw some of the training that makes our armed forces the best in the world – when it comes to pulling logs and water butts on bits of broken climbing frame we’re unbeatable.

Wil (lovely Wil) “just had to go for it” in the temptation task to win immunity from elimination. A chicken curry and an apple pie later and he was safe from eviction.

So they went into the weigh-in all nervously. “Anyone could go”. Well, apart from Wil. Apparently Richard doesn’t have favourites. Luckily I don’t have to be unbiased – I love Wil! As usual the guys took their t-shirts off for no apparent reason and the women piled on make-up as though we haven’t seen them red-faced and sweating for the past 55 minutes of the programme.

The Black team lost and Wil used his safe card to save his old mate Paddy – remember they came together when they were the Green team? So Paddy got to choose who from the Black team would go. And he chose to send home Rob. I would have done the same. Him and Angie will be hanging out in a local Holland & Barrett eating nuts and apples soon.

So that’s it until next week… when they get into triathlon training with their celebrity trainers. Kelly Holmes, Dean Macey and some other Olympic athletes that we sort of maybe recognise of the telly will be training them. Can’t wait!